
by Frank Josellis

Download ipchains2dshield.tar.gz (12 KBytes)

Description ipfw2dshield searches for ipfw log messages and mails a report ready for submission to dshield.org. See www.dshield.org for more information on the dshield output format and how to submit reports.
For FreeBSD or MacOS X versions consider the script ipfw2dshield.

Installation The script should be usable with all Linux kernels which support ipchains, but needs to be adapted to what is configured in /etc/syslog.conf for the kernel log messages. Installation and execution require root permission. The script has been tested on slackware or redhat based Linux distributions.

ipchains2dshield is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it under certain conditions. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for this program. For full details, see the file COPYING (shipped along with this program),

Last update, April 13, 2002
© 1999-2002 dynamical-systems.org