Current moon phase kal, cgi demonstration
Moon phase of computed with kal 1.3
Write argument in the text form or click directly onto an example below. kal

1999 calendar for 1999.
3/1999 calendar for March 1999.
-E 1999 Easter Sunday of 1999.
-G 1999 Greek Orthodox Easter Sunday 1999
-J 1999 Jewish New Year 1999
-i Islamic calendar
-i1420 Islamic calendar for 1420
-j Jewish calendar
-j5760 Jewish calendar for 5760
,1/1/2000 Number of days since Millenium
-v version of kal.
-h possible commands.
siteslist Sites file
-m -s=Asuncion Time, date, age and phase of moon of today in Asuncion, Paraguay
-m/8/22/1999 universal time, Julian date, age and phase of moon at August 22, 1999.
-m/8/22/1999 -s=Zurich Julian date, age and phase of moon at August 22, 1999 for Zürich, Switzerland.
4/13/1993,8/20/1999 number of days between April 13, 1993 and August 20, 1999
%4/13/1993,8/20/1999 time in years/months/days between April 13, 1993 and August 20, 1999
-m1/1/1970 1/1970 1/1/1970,1/1/2001. example with several arguments
-o 2000 clickable 2000 calender.
-o=2000 -s=Cambridge -l=eu clickable 2000 Calendar for Cambridge, UK (first matching string in Sites file )
-o=2000 -s=Cambridge,_Mass 2000 Calendar for Cambridge, USA.
kal main page © 1999

This cgi version of kal does not produce files. Typing in -p 1999 or -t 1999 for example won't work. In the downloadable software, -o 2000 prints HTML calendar to stdout.